Gorilla lives in the zoo happily.He has a bicycle、a book and a banana.Each of the animals has a toy.
At this time,He heard the sound of footsteps lightly and silvery “dingdong”
3.原来是睡眼惺忪的动物管理员给动物们一一道晚安来了,动物管理员,跟他大招对大猩猩说什么呢?(Good night, Gorilla)
Sleepy zookeeper was coming to say good night to animals.What he was about to say to the gorilla:Good night Gorilla!
Who would be the next?Gorilla followde the zookeeper quietly.
The zookeeper was coming to say good night to the elephant.
6.动物管理员对大象说:g n e,Gorilla 继续跟随着动物管理员的脚步,一起往前走,他回头看着大象
He said to the elephant:Good night!Gorilla went ahead in the zookeeper’s footsteps.And he looked back the elephant.
Gorilla let the elephant out with the key.The elephant followed with Gorilla.
8.原来他们跟随着动物管理员,来跟大狮子道晚安了,动物管理员对大师子说“good night lion“
They was coming to say good night with the zookeeper.The zookeeper said to the lion: Good night lion!”
9、10.动物管理员继续和猎狗,长颈鹿道晚安,good night hyena,good night giraffe。Gorilla把猎狗和长颈鹿也放了出来
The zookeeper continued to say good night to the hyena and the giraffe. “Good night hyena!””Good night giraffe!”.Gorilla let the hyena and the giraffe out.
11、12跟随动物管理员的队伍越来越壮观了,动物管理员来跟犰狳道晚安,他俯下身,对犰狳宝宝说 g n a。
The team that followed the zookeeper was more and more spectacular.The zookeeper is coming to say good night to the armadillo:“Good night!”
They came to the zookeeper’s home with the zookeeper.
The little animals wanted to go home and sleep too.And they wanted to go zookeeper’s home to sleep.
The zookeeper is too sleepy.When he took off his shoes and went to bed,his wife was waiting for him with bright light.
19、20。调皮的大猩猩睡在了管理员妻子的身边,大家都甜甜进入了梦乡,妻子对动物管理员说(good night deer),然后准备熄灯睡觉了
The naughty gorilla slept beside the zookeeper’s wife.All of them fell into sweet dreams.The wife said to the zookeeper “Good night deer”
The zookeeper’s wife woke suddenly with a start.
The zookeeper’s wife turned on the light and found so many animals slept at their bedroom.The zookeeper’s clock(Took off his shoes at 10, went to bed at 10:05,the zookeeper’s wife found the animals at 10:07,the zookeeper’s wife took the animals home at 10:30,the zookeeper’s wife went to bed at 10:35 .)
The animals went to home in line following behind the zookeeper’s wife.
The zookeeper’s wife would go home to sleep,Gorilla followed again.
Gorilla 、the zookeeper and the zookeeper’s wife all fell asleep.The zookeeper had 6 keys,but there was only 5 when Gorilla came to the zookeeper’s home again.